
Category: Uncategorized

Highest Grossing App Games

Back in 2009, Farmville 2 witnessed a huge surge in Lebanon’s search activity but dropped abruptly soon after. Clash of Clans seems to maintain a strong position so far. Nonetheless, these apps are dwarfed in comparison to the worldwide phenomenon of PokĂ©mon Go. The mobile game is on its way to break the $4 billion-per-year […]

A Rebranding Journey

What could possibly make a regular Lebanese social media user share a post? Let’s consider Roadster Diner’s facelift, an identity refresher that revolves around a journey. It’s still unclear how people -and particularly loyal customers- are reacting to it. Rebranding can potentially revitalize the brand, but apparently messing with something so emotional, so engraved in […]

Lebanese Google Search Activity on Travel

Did you know that July ☀ is witnessing the highest search volume for the keyword “Travel” in Lebanon with Nakhal occupying the top Google search query for 2016! click below to view our exciting infographic!

6 bizarre rĂ©sumĂ©s — and what you should learn from them

Job hunting can feel like a crapshoot. You send in a rĂ©sumĂ©, knowing that yours is just one of thousands like it that employers will receive for any opening. Instead of being discouraged, however, some people are revamping their CVs, creating unique, show-stopping rĂ©sumĂ©s that stand out from the crowd. We’ve gathered some of the […]

There’s Still Plenty of Good in this World

While volunteering last night at a local event, Rami our account manager met a young mother who recently went through divorce. She was holding her newborn and was kind enough to share her story. Right after her divorce, she found herself struggling with no income, bills, and no way to afford groceries. Then miraculously she […]

How PinPay Became a Game Changer in Lebanon’s Digital Landscape

Mobile technologies have changed the business landscape forever. They made product information ubiquitous and have pushed marketing experiences even further. Driven by faster connectivity and better-designed online spaces, mobile devices empower customers by creating digital environments accessible around the clock. Customers can now stream a movie, receive breaking news alerts, and settle banking bills through […]

Qatar Fastest Network

Wait a bit,” said the tortoise to the hare. ‘I’ll run a race with you, and I’ll wager that I win’. Challenges make everything interesting, especially those between unequal contestants. When Kyle Whitehill took over as CEO of Vodafone Qatar in April 2013, he must have felt what David felt when faced with mighty Goliath, […]